Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Cluster Pumpkin Carving Contest

It's time once again to sharpen your knives for the annual HC jack-o-lantern carving contest!
To win, all you have to do is carve a pumpkin into a jack-o-lantern and display it at your front door, balcony or window between 7 & 8pm on Halloween night, Saturday October 31st.
Prizes will be awarded that very night by our witch/warlock judges.
1st Prize: $15.00
2nd Prize $10.00
3rd Prize $5.00

Saturday, October 24, 2009

HC Cluster Clean Up

Cookout moved to Sunday, Block 2 at 3pm. All residents are invited. Please come out and enjoy the afternoon!

Saturday & Sunday
October 24 & 25th, 2009
9am to 1pm

Stop by 11521 in Block 3 for free naturalizing daffodil bulbs.

Followed by Octoberfest Cookout at 3pm in Block 2 on Saturday the 24th (Weather Permitting!) The cluster will provide hamburgers, knockwurst and sodas. Neighbors are asked to bring side dishes.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

New Graffiti Problem
My wife Anna saw this and I have reported it to RA as well as the police.

HC residents need to be on the look out for this type of graffiti and report it to the RA and police as soon as they see it. We need to have zero tolerance for this and it requires the vigilance and persistence of our community. Others in HC should also put pressure on the police and RA to remove it. We should also ask our police for increased patrols of the bike path. The more calls from our community the greater the likelihood that something will be done.

Perhaps a neighborhood watch should be set up. If there is one already set up, who's in charge of it and how can we get involved? We can't let the pathways and woods behind our houses, or the plaza become gang territory.
Sean Joyner

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Church Easement: Not Approved

After the votes were counted last night, it was announced that there were less than the 2/3 (60) ballots required. Therefore, the church easement vote was not approved. The church pastor stated that the church would most likely not ask Hickory Cluster to do another vote on the easement in the future.

The church is planning on having a new access into their property from North Shore Drive where the current rectory is but because of the easement vote it will only be a one-way access going into the church.

There was some new explanation by the church representatives about changes that will have to be made in their parking lot plans with the inclusion of a "roundabout" so their traffic can turn around on the property to use their now sole exit. The church pastor posed that this might be more disruptive to HC residents due to the added headlight disturbance at night.

There was also some discussion about status of the church designs with the Reston Association Design Review Board (DRB). It seems that there may be more opportunities for HC resident's concerns to be heard at future meetings on the church plans. The church has not, as it was previously understood, had final approval from the DRB. Check the blog for more information on this to come.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Church Easement Vote Reminder

Don't forget the church easement vote!

If you haven't sent in your proxy vote, please come out to the meeting at RCC-Lake Anne at 7:30 tomorrow night 10-7-09.
Thank you!

Fairway Apartments: More Lake Anne Area Expansion

Here's a link to an article on what Fairway Apartments is proposing to do with their property.
Fairway Apartments Redevelopment