Informational Meeting and HC Stream Walk:
10:30 on Sat. Oct. 16, in Room C of the Lake Anne Community Center.
Coffee and pastries provided.
There will be a presentation by WSSI and a question and answer session, followed by a guided walk through the restoration area to discuss the details, including trees to be removed, how the stream will be modified, etc.
To: Hickory Cluster Homeowners
From: Bob Anderson, Block II
The Stream Restoration Information Meeting is scheduled for this Saturday, October 16th (Lake Anne Community Center, Room C at 10:30 AM). This is a very important meeting for all Cluster homeowners. Without getting into any detail on the project, I just want to say a few things at this time. This is a huge project and it will result in a major improvement in the natural area running along the stream between Blocks I and Blocks II. When it is completed it will do more than restore the stream to its original beauty, in my view; it will be a very substantial enhancement. In addition to providing an attractive space that we should all like to visit from time to time it will add to the value of the Hickory Cluster Property. During the time that the work is being done there will some pain from noise, the disappearance of trees, and the unsightliness of earth moving equipment, but if all goes according to plan it should be accomplished within 2 to 3 months. I almost forgot a not insignificant point is that this change for the better will be at no cost to Hickory Cluster homeowners.
Now with this major change for the better about to get underway perhaps it is time for us to take stock of our own immediate surroundings – i.e. our own privately owned homes and property. What might we each do to maintain our own homes and property better? Hickory Cluster is a class act, its houses created by an award-winning architect – Charles Goodman. Isn’t it time for us to make a special effort to ensure the future of this very special place by looking toward our own self-interest and the common interest, too, by re-committing ourselves to keeping our homes properly maintained and the areas around them spruced up? Don’t we owe it to ourselves to make the effort?
Please come to the meeting on Saturday, if you possibly can. It’s your future.